2022 Fall Mixer
LOS ANGELES I November 9, 2022
Pips on LaBrea
1356 S. La Brea Ave.
Los Angeles, cA 90019
CALLSHEETS 2 COCKTAILS (C2C) in partnership with Crew Me Up and The Hivemind Unified, presented the Fall 2022 Mixer, an in-person, multi-meetup networking event for professionals working across all areas of media, tech and the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. C2C's mixers are attended by a wide range of professional women working across all areas of the media, tech, and entertainment industries. This was our first CO-ED mixer.
We returned to Pips on LaBrea, a Black-owned restaurant and popular jazz spot located in Mid City. This was our third mixer at Pips. Future Flashback Photo Booth was also be on hand to provide fun and memorable photos for attendees at the event.